Northern Lights Display - March 2021
February 24th, 2021
The stadium's Northern Lights Display is recognized around the world as a landmark of Vancouver’s skyline. BC Place is honoured to be able to help bring awareness to events, charities and non-profit causes that are important to communities in British Columbia.
Here are the stadium's lighting initiatives for March:
March 1st - Red for Red Cross Month
March 2nd - Yellow for Endometriosis Awareness Month
March 3rd - Red for Liver Health Month
March 4th - Blue for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
March 5th - Red for Amyloidosis Awareness Month
March 6th - Teal for World Lyphedema Day
March 7th - Green for World Glaucoma Week
March 8th - Purple for International Women's Day
March 9th - Red for Music Therapy Awareness Month
March 11th - Green for World Kidney Day
March 15th - Blue for Brain Awareness Week
March 17th - Green for St. Patrick's Day
March 18th - Blue in advance of World Sleep Day on March 19th
March 19th - Special Animation in advance of Nowruz
March 20th - Orange in advance of International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21st
March 21st - Blue and Yellow for World Down Syndrome Day
March 22nd- Blue for World Water Day
March 24th - Red for World TB Day
March 26th - Purple for Purple Day supporting Epilepsy Awareness
March 27th - Lights Off for Earth Hour from 8:30pm to 9:30pm
March 31st - Blue, Pink and White for Transgender Day of Visibility
In addition to these lighting initiatives, the stadium will continue to light up with a special animation at the top of each hour (between sunset and 11pm) every night to show support for health care professionals across the province who are working tirelessly to support our communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.
To learn more or to submit a lighting request, visit our Northern Lights Display page.