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Northern Lights Display - November 2020

October 26th, 2020

The stadium's Northern Lights Display is recognized around the world as a landmark of Vancouver’s skyline. BC Place is honoured to be able to help bring awareness to events, charities and non-profit causes that are important to communities in British Columbia.

Here are the stadium's lighting initiatives for November:

November 1st - Green and purple for LGS Awareness Day

November 2nd - Orange for CRPS/RDS Awareness

November 3rd - White for Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November 4th - Green for Show Your 4-H Colours Day

November 5th - Teal for the 'Light the World in Teal' Campaign

November 6th - Lime green for Adoption Awareness Month

November 7th - Red for Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month

November 8th - Purple for Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month

November 9th - Moustache design for Movember

November 10th - Teal for Cervical Cancer Awareness

November 11th - Poppy design for Remembrance Day

November 12th - Blue for World Pneumonia Day

November 13th - Blue in advance of World Diabetes Day on November 14th

November 14th - Rainbow animation for Diwali

November 15th - Rainbow for Multiculturalism Week in British Columbia

November 16th - Blue and gold in advance of the Covenant House 'Sleep Out' Event on November 19th

November 17th - Purple for World Prematurity Day

November 18th - Light blue in advance of World Children's Day on November 20th

November 19th - Special animation for the St. Paul's 'Lights of Hope' Celebration

November 20th - Blue, pink and white for Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 21st - Purple for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

November 22nd - Blue for National Addictions Awareness Day

November 23rd - Blue and green for Fall Prevention Month

November 24th - Purple for Osteoporosis Awareness Month

November 25th - Orange for the 'Orange the World' Campaign

November 26th - Purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

November 27th - Green on behalf of Growing Chefs in advance of Giving Tuesday

November 28th - Purple for the Hockey Fights Cancer Initiative

November 29th - Red for The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign

November 30th - Blue for Stomach Cancer Awareness Day

In addition to these lighting initiatives, the stadium will continue to light up with a heart animation at the top of each hour (between 7pm and 11pm) for 5 minutes every night to show support for health care professionals across the province who are working tirelessly to support our communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more or to submit a lighting request, visit our Northern Lights Display page.

Northern Lights Display - October 2020

September 25th, 2020

The stadium's Northern Lights Display is recognized around the world as a landmark of Vancouver’s skyline. BC Place is honoured to be able to help bring awareness to events, charities and non-profit causes that are important to communities in British Columbia.

Here are the stadium's lighting initiatives for October:

October 1st - Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 2nd - Yellow and White for Wrongful Conviction Day

October 3rd - Teal for Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness

October 4th - Pink for Virtual Run for the Cure

October 5th - Blue for World Day of Bullying Prevention

October 6th - Green for World Cerebral Palsy Day

October 7th - Teal for HPV Prevention Week

October 8th - Blue for Mental Illness Awareness Week

October 9th - Fall Show

October 10th - Purple for World Mental Health Day

October 11th - Pink for International Day of the Girl

October 12th - Blue for World Arthritis Day

October 13th - Green, Pink and Teal for Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day

October 14th - Green for Dwarfism Awareness Month

October 15th - Pink and Blue for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

October 16th - Purple and Yellow for Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day

October 17th - Teal for Dysautonomia Awareness Month

October 18th - Purple, Blue and Green for BDC Small Business Week

October 19th - Green and Blue for Waste Reduction Week

October 20th - Purple for Lupus Awareness Month

October 21st - Seafoam Green in advance of International Stuttering Awareness Day (October 22nd)

October 22nd - Red for Dyslexia Awareness Month

October 23rd - Fall Show

October 24th - Grey for Brain Tumour Awareness Week

October 25th - Purple for Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

October 26th - Orange in memory of BC Lions owner and champion David Braley

October 27th - Jack O' Lantern for Halloween

October 28th - Jack O' Lantern for Halloween

October 29th - Lights Off

October 30th - Lights Off

October 31st - Jack O' Lantern for Halloween

In addition to these lighting initiatives, the stadium will continue to light up with a heart animation at the top of each hour (between 7pm and 11pm) for 5 minutes every night to show support for health care professionals across the province who are working tirelessly to support our communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more or to submit a lighting request, visit our Northern Lights Display page.

Northern Lights Display - September 2020

August 26th, 2020

The stadium's Northern Lights Display is recognized around the world as a landmark of Vancouver’s skyline. BC Place is honoured to be able to help bring awareness to events, charities and non-profit causes that are important to communities in British Columbia.

Here are the stadium's lighting initiatives for September:

September 1st - Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness

September 2nd - Blue for Prostate Cancer Awareness

September 3rd - Red for Blood Cancer Awareness

September 4th - Teal for PKD Awareness Day

September 5th - Blue for Whitecaps FC

September 6th - Yellow to kick off KidSport Week (September 7th to 14th)

September 7th - Red for Duchenne Awareness Day

September 8th - Purple for International Literacy Day

September 9th - Teal for Ovarian Cancer Awareness

September 10th - Yellow for World Suicide Prevention Day

September 11th - Pink for Sepsis Awareness

September 12th - Red and White for Jumpstart Day

September 13th - Blue for Whitecaps FC

September 14th - Green for Mitochondrial Awareness Week

September 15th - Purple for World Lymphoma Awareness Day

September 16th - Blue for Whitecaps FC

September 17th - Blue and Green for Environmental Services Week

September 18th - Teal for Big Brothers Big Sisters Day

September 19th - Blue for National Coaches Week

September 20th - Red for Virtual Terry Fox Run

September 21st - Blue for World Alzheimer's Day

September 22nd - Teal for PCOS Awareness

September 23rd - Red for Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness

September 24th - Blue, Yellow and Red for Craniofacial Awareness

September 25th - Blue and White for Dystonia Awareness

September 26th - Blue in advance of World Rivers Day (September 27th)

September 27th - Blue and Green for World Tourism Day

September 28th - Blue for BC Disability Employment Month

September 29th - Orange in advance of Orange Shirt Day (September 30th)

September 30th - Purple and White for International Recovery Day

In addition to these lighting initiatives, the stadium will continue to light up with a heart animation at the top of each hour (between 7pm and 11pm) for 5 minutes every night to show support for health care professionals across the province who are working tirelessly to support our communities through the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more or to submit a lighting request, visit https://bit.ly/2EI6LDw.