Take a peek behind the scenes of BC's largest multi-purpose venue via the BC Place Blog! You’ll discover how BC Place prepares the venue for spectacular events. Receive exclusive perks, chances to WIN ticket to events and other great prizes! We’ll introduce you to our amazing employees. And we’ll give you the opportunity to catch up on any events you may have missed!

Working towards a sustainable future

April 22nd, 2020

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a global initiative to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

BC Place is committed to delivering sustainable experiences for our guests, clients and the community. Over the past year, the stadium has undertaken several key projects, including an upgrade to the field of play lighting system and implementing a rainwater harvesting project, to help meet environmental stewardship goals.

The completely upgraded field of play lighting system has changed the way fans see live events with the installation of a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient LED lighting system. As part of the organization’s Strategic Energy Management Plan, the field of play lighting upgrade for 2019 resulted in more than 50% energy savings over the previous system, while delivering exceptional experiences for clients and guests alike.

The innovative lighting upgrade was designed to enhance the quality of event lighting for fans inside the venue and around the world via HD TV. The new system meets or exceeds the requirements for MLS, CFL, World Rugby and FIFA lighting standards and boasts energy savings of more than 744,000kWh per year, a reduction of more than 50%, or a reduction of annual energy consumption equivalent to 72 households. Other benefits include a reduction in costs, LED fixtures designed to last more than 10x longer than metal-halide, and improved operational efficiency and the ability to produce stunning production capabilities.

In 2019, BC Place initiated a rainwater harvesting pilot project which has moved forward to a full-time initiative. The rainwater harvesting project has seen the construction of a system to capture and repurpose rainwater from the 11-acre retractable BC Place roof. The system will have a capacity of 21,000 gallons (approximately 80,000 liters) and rainwater harvested will be used to support the stadium’s operational needs for non-potable water loads such as turf irrigation, turf cover cleaning and power washing, concourse scrubbing and general cleaning. The system has been designed in a modular way and has been over-sized to eventually connect to some of the stadium urinals and toilets.

To learn more, visit www.bcplace.com/about-us

Centerplate team at BC Place continues to support the Downtown Eastside community

April 17th, 2020

BC Place is committed to giving back to the community, especially during this unprecedented time.

The Centerplate team at the stadium has continued to work closely (at a safe distance!) with Vancouver Harbour Light to deliver much needed food to our neighbours in the Downtown Eastside.

This week Centerplate donated 6,000 bags of potato chips, 3,200 cans of pop, and 760 bags of peanuts!

This latest food donation comes after Centerplate donated over 5,000 lbs of food to the Salvation Army last month.

We'd like to thank our hardworking staff who have continued to find ways to help others during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Missing live music? Check out Showcase BC

April 16th, 2020

The Showcase BC program provides immediate support to BC musicians who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funded by the Province of British Columbia, this program will be administered by Creative BC.

This new program will support emerging and established artists across the province as they create and perform. Micro-grants will be awarded to B.C. artists who are eligible and have previously applied to Amplify BC programs, to support livestreaming, songwriting and professional development. Online performances will be free and available to the public at Showcase BC or through the hashtag #ShowcaseBC.

Premier John Horgan is hosting the first free livestream concert this Thursday, April 16th at 4pm, featuring musicians from around British Columbia.

Concert Line Up:
Kym Gouchie – Folk (Summerland)
Alex Cuba – Pop-Soul (Smithers)
Desirée Dawson – Soulful Folk (White Rock)
Dan Mangan – Indie Rock (Vancouver)

For more information, visit www.showcasebc.ca