BC Place shines light on special community initiatives in the month of May
May 11th, 2016
The spectacular lights that glow on our stadium roof, known as “the Northern Lights Display”, are used to promote events at BC Place, celebrate seasonal holidays and raise awareness for organizations and charities that are important to communities in British Columbia.
Throughout the month of May, BC Place is busy supporting several community initiatives:
May 2 – Mental Health Week and National Child & Youth Mental Health Day
BC Place was glowing green on Monday, May 2nd, in support of Mental Health Week and National Child & Youth Mental Health Day in Canada (which is on May 7). This national awareness day, led by the Institute of Families, seeks to help create public awareness and acknowledgement of the thousands of children, youth and families needing mental health support and care across Canada. The symbol for the campaign is a green ribbon which signifies new life, new growth and new beginnings.
For more information visit www.familysmart.ca or www.forcesociety.com
May 4 – Pediatric Stroke Awareness Day
BC Place was shining purple on in support of Pediatric Stroke Awareness Day – taking place on May 6th. The Canadian Pediatric Stroke Support Association (CPSSA) was founded in 2011 for children and their families impacted by pediatric stroke. The CPSSA is a joint effort between clinicians and families to build relationships and strengthen communication for the purpose of research, awareness, and support.
For more info, visit www.cpssa.org
May 5 – World PH Awareness Day
BC Place helped Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada 'Paint Canada Purple' for World PH Awareness Day on May 5.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a disease affecting the arteries of the lungs. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, sex, or social or ethnic background.
The Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada (PHA Canada) is a national registered charitable organization, established by patients, caregivers, parents and family members affected by pulmonaryhypertension (PH).
For more info - www.phacanada.ca
May 8 – World Ovarian Cancer Day
The Northern Lights at BC Place were illuminated “teal” on May 8 in support of World Ovarian Cancer Day. The special lighting supports the efforts of Ovarian Cancer Canada and 73 other ovarian cancer organizations in 25 countries in creating awareness of the symptoms and risk factors of this disease.
For more information visit www.ovariancanada.org
May 10 – World Lupus Day
BC Place’s Northern Lights Display was glowing purple on May 10th for World Lupus Day. World Lupus Day aims to raise awareness of a disease that is little known, but can have devastating effects on sufferers and their families. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack healthy tissue including the heart, kidneys, lungs, joints and blood.
The BC Lupus Society has been supporting people affected by lupus in British Columbia for over 39 years providing funding support for research initiatives locally and nationally, including research scholarships, clinical support, and research projects.
To find out more information visit: www.bclupus.org/i-have-lupus.html
May 12 – ME/CFS & FM Awareness Day
BC Place lit up blue and purple on May 12th in support of International ME/CFS & FM Awareness Day. ME/FM Awareness Day helps bring awareness to the close to 100,000 British Columbians who are living with these disabling and often misunderstood diseases, and to promote more scientific research into them. ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and FM (Fibromyalgia) are complex and debilitating chronic illnesses characterized by disabling fatigue and pain as well as numerous other symptoms including headaches, nausea, neuro-cognitive dysfunction, sleep disorders and autonomic and cardiovascular disturbances. The causes of ME and FM are unknown. Both diseases are lifelong, there is no cure, and there are still no effective treatments.
For more information about ME/CFS or FM visit: www.mefmaction.com or www.mefm.bc.ca
May 13 – Dress for Success Vancouver (DFSV)
The Northern Lights roof lighting display at BC Place will be illuminated in ‘IMPACT 360 colours’ on May 13 to spread awareness for Dress for Success Vancouver. Dress for Success Vancouver (DFSV) is a registered charity committed to empowering women into the workforce by providing professional attire, career development tools and a career advancement program. An affiliate of the International organization Dress for Success, DFSV was established in 1999 as the first International affiliate and has served over 22,000 women in the Lower Mainland.
For more info visit: www.vancouver.dressforsuccess.org
May 14 – Bladder Cancer Awareness
The Northern Lights Display will be shining yellow and red in support of Bladder Cancer Canada’s (BCC) first Bladder Cancer Awareness campaign. This will help shine the spotlight on a common but poorly understood cancer, affecting about 80,000 Canadians.
More events are planned across the country and Canadians are invited to visit www.bladdercancercanada.org to find out how they can become involved.
May 15 – Bereavement Day
On May 15, BC Place will be glowing “blue” in honour of the provincial Bereavement Day. The special lighting of BC Place will support the efforts of the BC Bereavement Helpline (BCBH) in recognizing that every person experiences loss and needs support. BCBH is a non-profit, free, and confidential service that connects the public to grief support services within the province of BC. In 1998, BC agreed in principle to recognize a day dedicated to grief and loss awareness and in 2002 it was declared that the third Sunday of May every year be set aside as Bereavement Day.
For more information visit: www.bcbh.ca
BC Place will be lighting up orange on May 18th in support of MealShare’s 'Tonight for Tomorrow' campaign. Mealshare is a non-profit organization that partners with restaurants to help provide meals to local youth in need.
On May 18th, for every dollar spent on dinner at participating Vancouver restaurants, one dollar will be donated to help grow Mealshare in Vancouver.
More info: www.mealshare.ca
May 19 – World Irritable Bowel Day (IBD)
BC Place will light up purple on Thursday May 19, 2016 to spread awareness for World Irritable Bowel Day and Chron’s and to support Colitis Canada’s “Gutsy Walk” which takes place on Sunday, June 5, 2016. On May 19, IBD patients, their supports and IBD organizations worldwide join hands to raise visibility and awareness of IBD, create more understanding of the impact these diseases have on lives and show the large numbers of people affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
For more information on World IBD Day and Crohn’s and Colitis, visit: www.crohnsandcolitis.ca
May 20 – Huntington Awareness Day
The Northern Lights Display at BC Place is helping to #LightItUp4HD by glowing purple and blue on May 20, 2016 for Huntington Awareness Day. The Huntington Society of Canada is a not-for-profit charitable organization which raises funds to deliver individual and group counselling service to support individuals and families living with Huntington disease (HD) and to fund medical research to delay or stop the progression of the disease. The Society also works with health and social services professionals to enable them to better serve people living with HD.
For more information, and to access various programs and resources dedicated to HD, please visit our website at www.huntingtonsociety.ca.
May 24 – International Schizophrenia Awareness Day
BC Place joins other Canadian landmarks in lighting up purple on May 24 to celebrate and create awareness for International Schizophrenia Awareness Day. The BC Schizophrenia Society (BCSS) is asking everyone to show support for the 40,000+ British Columbians living with schizophrenia by showing their true colours on May 24 – as long as that colour is purple!
Visit www.bcss.org for more information.