BC Place to glow Gold
September 19th, 2013
September 19, 2013
Vancouver, BC: The Northern Lights display at BC Place will glitter with gold this Saturday, in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month’s Gold Ribbon Campaign.
The special lighting of BC Place’s Northern Lights roof display will support the efforts of Gold Ribbon Campaign in bringing awareness to the 300-350 kids in British Columbia undergoing treatment for childhood cancer at any given time.
To find out more about the national Gold Ribbon Campaign, visit www.goldribboncampaign.com and bcgoldribbon.blogspot.ca.
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2013
Time: 7.30pm to 11:00PM
About the ‘Northern Lights’ at BC Place
The stadium roof façade – known as the Northern Lights Display - uses 1700 ‘ETFE’ panels, stacked four rows high, and 6,800 linear feet of energy-efficient LED lights to create customizable lighting displays. BC Place has used the entire roof to promote specific events, create seasonal displays and raise awareness for community and charitable organizations.
About BC Place
BC Place Stadium is the largest multipurpose venue of its kind in the province of British Columbia. An architectural signature for the province, BC Place hosts sports, exhibition and entertainment on a year-round calendar of live events. BC Place is proud to be home to the BC Lions Football Club, Vancouver Whitecaps FC and the BC Sports Hall of Fame.
For more information, follow BC Place on Twitter @BCPlace or visit www.bcplace.com
Media Contact
Kate Hunter
Director, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
BC Pavilion Corporation (PavCo)
Tel: 604 484 5220
Email: khunter@bcpavco.com
Duncan Blomfield
Marketing & Communications Manager
BC Place
Tel: 604 661 7360
Email: dblomfield@bcpavco.com