BC Place Glows Green for Mental Health
May 2nd, 2016
BC Place will glow green tonight to spread awareness for Mental Health Week which starts today and for Child & Youth Mental Health Day on May 7.
Canadians are hearing Canadian Mental Health Association's call to GET LOUD for mental health and they are raising their voices to end discrimination, stigma and shame, for someone at work, for someone at home, and for themselves. This Mental Health Week, they are going to be heard.
“I think of ‘getting loud’ as a giant megaphone for mental health.” says Dr. Patrick Smith, CMHA’s National CEO. “Whether you’re shouting it from the rooftops, or talking quietly with someone at home or at work, getting loud means breaking the silence that can surround mental health issues.” For more information on Mental Health Week, visit CMHA's website.
Each year, the Institute of Families for Child & Youth Mental Health (F.O.R.C.E. in BC), dedicates its efforts on May 7; Child and Youth Mental Health day, to help foster well-being and caring, connected, relationships’ between young people and caring adults. This year marks the Ten Year Anniversary of that commitment! For more information on Child & Youth Mental Health click here.