BC Place to 'wear' green for World Cerebral Palsy Day
October 4th, 2016
BC Place is excited to support World Cerebral Palsy Day by wearing green tonight!
Cerebral palsy is the most common childhood physical disability (affecting an average of one in every 500 people). There are around 10,000 people living with CP in BC, as well as their family members who devote their lives to the care of their loved ones, and the many doctors and therapists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of CP.
World Cerebral Palsy Day is a movement of people with cerebral palsy and their families, and the organisations that support them, in more than 50 countries.
More than just an awareness day, World CP Day is an opportunity to:
-Celebrate and express pride in the lives and achievements of those with CP and the people and the organisations that support them
-Create a powerful voice for those with CP to change their world
-Connect organisations across the globe so they are better equipped to meet the needs of those with CP
-Create new solutions to everyday problems
-Act as a catalyst for social change and education campaigns that create solutions to universal challenges
-Produce tangible, actions and outcomes that measurably improve the lives of those with CP
-Raise awareness of CP and the issues that affect people with CP at a local, national and international level to create more inclusive societies.
The Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia's vision is to ensure that children and adults with cerebral palsy have the same rights, access and opportunities as anyone else in our society.
For more info: www.worldcpday.org