BC Place to shine bright for Pancreatic Cancer's Puple Lights Campaign
November 22nd, 2016
The Northern Lights display at BC Place will glow purple this morning and evening to support Pancreatic Cancer Canada’s “Purple Lights Campaign”. The campaign is intended to raise awareness amongst Canadian’s of this ‘silent killer’ during the month of November – which is designated Pancreatic Cancer Month, give hope to those who are fighting the disease, and comfort those that have lost loved ones.
Join us, as we shine a spotlight on pancreatic cancer which has recently surpassed breast cancer to become the 3rd deadliest cancer in North America.
Throughout the month of November and in particular, on World Pancreatic Cancer Day which is November 17th, we are asking Canadians to UNITE in our FIGHT against this deadly disease.
According to a national survey, sixty percent of people know “almost NOTHING” about pancreatic cancer. It’s time to elevate the conversation and draw attention to pancreatic cancer. Awareness is the first step in our ongoing efforts to demand more research and develop better resources to fight the disease.
For more information, visit Pancreatic Cancer Canada's website: www.pancreaticcancercanada.ca/site/PageServer