BC Place lights up turquoise and orange for Mom2Mom
May 4th, 2018
BC Place will light up turquoise and orange tonight to celebrate Mom2Mom - an organization that works to improve the lives of low-income families in Vancouver by offering women-centered support and creating opportunities.
The work of Mom2Mom is based on research in child development and neuroscience that has shown that enriching children’s environments, lowering levels of family stress and connecting mothers to their child’s school and to community social supports leads to positive changes in children’s learning and development. When these things are in place, children are happier, better adjusted and more likely to succeed in school. Mothers are better able to nurture and attach to children when they aren’t struggling every day to meet basic needs.
On May 5th, they are hosting their annual Mother's Day celebration for the Moms in the program!
Find out more: www.m2mcharity.ca/