Prohibited Items
Prohibited Items include any items, either legal or illegal in nature, where possession is restricted from entry into BC Place by Federal, Provincial, or Municipal Law, Regulation, or BC Place Policy.
Prohibited Items are subject to change for different events - please consult the FAQ information for your event.
Security measures may be increased for certain events. These measures include, but are not limited to a more thorough search of persons and property.
Guests entering the venue will either be required to surrender any prohibited items to BC Place for disposal, check the item at the bag check (subject to availability), or store the item off the property.
The list of prohibited is included below:
- Bags (see Bag Policy for additional information)
- Weapons
- Fireworks
- Laser Pointers
- Illegal Drugs and Substances
- Drones
- Bottles or containers with capacity greater than 1 litre. Glass bottles of any size are not permitted. (Empty personal water bottles,with or without lids, up to 1 litre capacity are permitted into the stadium and are subject to inspection at the gate. Permitted bottles can be filled with water at drinking fountains located on the main concourse. Bottled water can also be purchased from concessions.)
- Perfume or cologne bottles
- Aerosol cans, paints or flammable liquids
- Skateboards, rollerblades or bicycles
- Alcohol
- Outside food or beverages (exceptions may be made for medical or dietary reasons)
- Cameras with detachable lenses, or detached lenses
- Cameras with a fixed lens larger than 6 inches (150mm) in length
(Note: camera policy may vary for specific events - consult the Guest FAQ information for your event) - Tripods or selfie sticks
- Helium balloons, beach balls, inflated balls (soccer, football, rugby, or otherwise), or air pumps
- Noise makers must be used in a manner that respects the comfort and enjoyment of all guests. Air Horns and whistles of any kind are not permitted. Drums are permitted, provided they fit within the guest’s lap. Drums are subject to search upon entry
- Vuvuzelas and cowbells are not permitted at Canada Soccer and Whitecaps FC matches
- Costume masks (may vary by event). See costume policy here
- Signs, flags or displays that are offensive, racist, discriminatory, use inappropriate language, or are religious, political or commercial in nature. All posters and signs are prohibited from concerts except for those purchased from authorized merchandise locations on Terry Fox Plaza. For Whitecaps FC matches, please refer to the Visual Display Policy on
- Flag poles must be no longer than 3.5 feet and made of PVC pipe
- For electronic data devices (ex. laptops, tablets), please consult guest policy here
Exceptions to Prohibited Items may be made for those with medical requirements and/or special requirements. Advanced authorization by BC Place is strongly recommended. Please contact