BC Place Upgrades Begin
September 4th, 2008
Work is scheduled to begin this month on refurbishments to improve the guest experience and interior and exterior appeal of BC Place.
Dominion Fairmile, the general contractor, will carryout the tendered work valued at$65 million, part of the major renovation of BC Place announced in May by Premier Gordon Campbell. The upgrades do not include the Stadium's proposed new retractable roof, expected to be designed, budgeted and tendered by early 2009, and ready for use in 2011.
The improvements announced today are to be completed by late 2009. They include refurbished concessions, washrooms and suites, improved accessibility and directional signage. Club Seats will also be added.
The cost of the refurbishments will be funded through the BC Pavilion Corporation's (PavCo)cash reserves and future development of PavCo lands around BC Place. Additional revenues will come from new sponsorships and increased business.
"BC Place has served us well in its first 25 years as the gathering place for British Columbia's major events and celebrations," said Bill Bennett, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and Minister responsible for PavCo. "This is the first step in our plans for the next 25 years. By making these improvements to BC Place, we're adding to the guest experience and ensuring it remains an important public asset that offers a state-of-the-art entertainment experience."
"We're really pleased to be moving ahead with the first part of our multi-phase plan for BC Place," added David Podmore, PavCo's Chair. "These improvements will provide an upgraded facility that will help us welcome the world in 2010, and allow us to set the set the stage for the proposed new roof in 2011."
The upgrades and proposed new roof are part of an overall plan to further establish the area around BCPlace as a vibrant sport, culture and entertainment district, including a new waterfront site for the Vancouver Art Gallery on False Creek.