BC PLACE TO “LIGHT IT UP BLUE” ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2, In Support of "World Autism Awareness Day"
April 2nd, 2013
April 2, 2013
BC Place will join other famous sites around the world in the “Light It Up Blue” campaign on Tuesday, April 2nd, in support of World Autism Awareness Day.
The 36-foot tall Northern Lights Display at BC Place will be lit “blue” to “shine a light on Autism” – a condition affecting 70 million people worldwide.
Date: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013
Times: Sunset to 11pm
About Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society. For more information visit www.lightitupblue.org.
About the “Northern Lights” at BC Place
The stadium roof façade – known as the Northern Lights Display - uses 1700 ‘ETFE’ panels, stacked four rows high, and 6,800 linear feet of energy-efficient LED lights to create customizable lighting displays. BC Place has used the entire roof to promote specific events (orange for BC Lions, blue for Vancouver Whitecaps FC), create seasonal and holiday displays, and generate awareness for community and charitable organizations. Visit www.bcplace.com/roof-lights for more information.
For more information about BC Place, follow BC Place on Twitter @BCPlace or visit www.bcplace.com
Media contact:
Kate Hunter
604 484 5220